Dr. Sean Bradley ND, EAMP

About Dr. Bradley


Dr. Sean Bradley is a Licensed Naturopathic Physician and an East Asian Medicine Practitioner in Washington State. He is a black belt instructor in the martial art of Hapkido and travels the world studying, teaching, and training. He has nearly 20 years in the healthcare field and 25 years in the martial arts.

​He began is career in healthcare as a medical specialist in the US Army Reserves when he enlisted in 1999. He worked in medical clinics in Colorado and at Madigan Army Medical Center in Washington. He served on the Search and Rescue team during a deployment to Honduras. He was an instructor for the Combat Lifesaver Course and also assisted medical acupuncturists in both Madigan Army Medical Center, and Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He was honorably discharged in October 2007.

He received a Bachelors of Science in Botany from Colorado State University, and also completed the pre-medicine requirements while graduating with honors before moving to the Pacific Northwest.  He attended Bastyr University where he received both his ND (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine) and MSAOM (Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine).  He completed his studies at Bastyr after attending the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  He currently continues his studies at the University of Washington where he is pursuing a doctoral degree in Chinese through the department of Asian Languages and Literature, following his receiving M.A. and B.A. degrees in the same department in 2015 and 2012.  He also travels regularly to Chengdu, China where he works with doctors in both traditional herbal medicine and Tui Na.

He travels and teaches Hapkido and has traveled to Mexico, Canada, Korea, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, Latvia, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Colombia, and throughout the USA teaching and assisting his instructor, Grandmaster Ji Han-Jae. He has served as a personal assistant to his teacher for the last fifteen years.  He also teaches frequent meditation seminars around the world, and has not only studied the techniques taught by his martial arts teachers, but has also studied practices in Thailand, Taiwan, Tibet, China, and Korea.

Dr. Bradley frequently travels internationally to continue both his language study, and also his study of medicine and martial arts, but more often to share his knowledge and experience.  He is currently involved in a research/translation project in Classical Chinese Medical texts and looking at the transfer of medicines along the Silk Road.  He most recently began studying Sanskrit to explore the correlations between Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.  He has presented his research at the History of Science Society, The International Society for the History of Medicine, the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Huntington Library, and the The University of Chicago Beijing Center, among others.  He is involved in a translation project for the Academy of Chinese Studies in Hong Kong, and is beginning a new translation project with the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  He also works at the University of Washington Language Learning Center.

Dr. Bradley currently works with a number of professional athletes, keeping them healthy as they perform at the top level of their sports.  He maintains that all aspects of a person's health; mind, body, and spirit, must be addressed if a person is to reach optimal health and well-being. He enjoys working with students and patients and continues his own learning and training at every opportunity.